Thursday, October 16, 2008

Notes on Presentations during "The Role of Digital Images and Photos Online"

Soren Petersen: The new role of digital images and photos online

Flickr use in Copenhagen

Picture vs. Photo
  • Photographs with fancy cameras, picture with camera phones.
  • Documentation, presents a "hat" or a "beach": these are photographs used in ads
  • A photo with aesthetics, the example has a very low depth of field so the background is out of focus
  • A picture has little aesthetics, it is grainy and it has notes and comments attached to it. Encourages interaction with the image.

A photo comment is from a viewer/spectator and a picture from a person who can relate on the basis of common everyday experiences. This may be why people post many banal images to web.

Lefebvre's triadic concept of everyday life: daily life, the Everyday (media, urbanism, bureaucratic), Everydayness (effective character, understood as shared but unrepresentable...desire of everyday life)

Sensations - Deleuze. When people take a picture of everyday experience they want to transmit the sensation of the experience. Everydayness then becomes the sensation of moblogging.

Concept of being the the world, the collective experience. Unity of sensing and the sense (Deleuze on Francis Bacon) Aesthetic differences between the photo and picture > experiencing commonality through banality and enjoying the everydayness. This may be why mobloggers have a hard time explaining why they take such pictures. Pictures gather meaning through the meta-textual context they are in (think comments on flickr)

How can we apply this to youtube, and things such as tazering videos which we often watch out of disbelief. does this appeal to the fantasy that we experience within everydayness?

Larissa Hjorth "Re-imagine Mobility: A Conceptual Reflection Upon Gendered Mobile Media in the Asia-Pacific

This was an amazing video that completely bombarded the viewer with tons of information about how gendered use of technology has been utilized in commercial and communicative means. I wish this was available somewhere!

Edgar Gomez, Amparo Lasen: Digital Photography and Picture Sharing: Redefining the Public/Private Divide.

Subjectification Process involve the shaping of the self and being subject to others, photography can enable this.
Flickr study: Who is this girl? Group in Madrid. Creates lively discussion about what is public and private. Girl was found and told about it and she freaked about being discussed as a subject. The concept of public is transforming..

Configuration of self through self-portraiture. Pictures of the body, sometimes involving nudity usually taken in private places. Shaping the perceptions of others and controlling the external gaze. Show what's interesting. This is part of the contemporary embodiment process.

The definition of privacy is now key on having control over who knows what about you See Livingstone, 2008 Who can access information about you.

Digital photography is taking par tin the definition of what is suitable and can be expected when being in a public place.

Convergence of digital photog and the Internet contributes to a new complex gaze.

Andrew Cox
Photoshop contests on Flickr
Looks at Photoshop Tennis: no ending point, multiple players. with player nominated rules (have fun, photorealism/no cartoons, themes, etc.)
Worth1000 often has more complicated rules focused toward a reward, rules are casual. Focus is on maximum participation rather than on PST there is an emphasis on quality.

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